When you are signing that long lease you will be agreeing to living by the terms of the lease. Once again, please read the lease so you can understand what your responsibilities are.
Move in Inspection Form – At move in you are required to receive a move in inspection sheet(s). It is very important for you to go through the apartment and write down any items in the apartment that are not in perfect shape. Examples (scratches on counter tops, stains on carpet , dents on appliances) The purpose for this is so you will not be charged for creating any of these pre-existing items while you were living there. PLEASE BE DETAILED! Please make sure you complete this form and have the manager sign it and keep a signed copy for your records.
Change Air Filter - All apartments near the Campus come with individual air conditioning units. All units will have air filters that should be changed monthly. The apartments normally will provide you with the filters. The filters help protect the air conditioning units from getting dusty and not working at peak efficiency. Should you not change these filters, the filters will get very dusty (clogged). It will make the unit work harder and as a result your electric bill will go substantially. Also not changing the filters could be considered neglect and should the a/c unit malfunction, the apartment can hold you responsible for the cost to repair/replace the unit.
Knowing what your rights are as a tenant is also very important. Here a link to Arizona Residential Landlord Tenant Act. This may answer many questions regarding rights that you, the renter and the apartment community have.