Once you are approved for the apartment, their are a few items that you will need to address before you move in. These items iclude the following,
1 - Getting Utilities Turn On (Electric and Gas) - All apartment communities near the campus require you to get the electric (and gas if applicable) turned on prior to you moving in. American students can usually do this by going to the utility companies website. Unfortunately for international students, I have not found a way of getting the utilities turned on until you arrive here in Glendale since you will not have a social security number. At this time you physically have to go the utility company's and sign up in person. They require you to bring your Visa. You will also have to pay a deposit. I usually can take you to the utility company if you need assistance. The electric can usually be put on immediately. However the gas sometimes can take up to three or four days to be turned on.
2 - Getting other utilities turned on (Phone, Internet or Cable). The apartments do not require that you get these items turned on so you don't need have to have any of these items arranged for you before you move in. However if these items are important to you, please contact them about a week prior to your move in date.
3 - Renter's Insurance - Many apartments now require you to have renter's insurance before you move in. For American students, I suggest you use the same insurance company that you use for your car. For international students, these same apartments usually have one or two companies that they may suggest.
4 - Pay move in cost. At the time of acceptance the apartment community should have provided you with a Move in Cost Sheet. This form should have let you know exactly how much money will be needed at move in. Please take note of how they want the move in funds. Usually it either a money order or cashier's check (aka bank check). Very few may accept credit cards and once again NO CASH).
5 - Sign the lease. You will be surprised how many pages these leases may have. I understand you may be tired from a long trip or exited to move into your new home, but please take your time and read the lease. Please take note of these three items in particular 1- How many days written notice you will have to give the apartment when you want to move out (30 or 60 days), 2 - The apartment policy for late fees and 3 - lease break fees.