Step Two - Securing an Apartment
Once we have decided on your apartment, we need to get the apartment reserved for you. Most apartments follow the same procedure to secure the apartment.
1 - Fill out an application. If you are out of state the apartment can either e-mail or fax an application to you. Some apartments will have an on-line application on their website which you can fill out on line. Their is usally a fee associated with the application fee (see Deposits and Fees). The apartments with the on-line application usually will have a way of paying the application fee by credit card on-line. Some apartments will allow you to pay via credit card but you will have to fax or e-mail them your credit card information. Other apartments do not take credit cards and you will have to mail ( Next Day Mail, Fed Ex etc) them the application fee. Virtually no apartments will start the processing of the application until they have received the application fee.
(No Apartments will accept cash - Please check with the apartment to see what form of payment is acceptable)
For American students the application process will include running your credit, verifying previous rental history, checking for criminal activity and verifying that you have income to support yourself while you are goinf to school. This can include providing proof or savings, school loans, etc. For internation students, you will need to provide the apartment with a copy of your I-20 and your Visa / Pasport. (By the way, in my 20+ years of assisting Thunderbird, I have never had a student denied for an apartment.)
2 - Put down a holding deposit - Once your application is approved you will need to put down a deposit to hold the apartment. This deposit will guarantee you the apartment and apartment rate quoted. Most people will pay the application and holding deposit at the same time. Depending on the apartment you will have 24 to 72 hours after you have been accepted to get your deposit back should you change your mind. However you will not get the application fee returned. After the 24 to 72 hours the deposit is non-refundable. The holding fee will be applied to your move in costs at the time of your move in.
Typically, no other funds will be due until your move in date.